Monday, May 24, 2010

Views on Wasted Thought Leadership Concepts

I have had the opportunity to sit in on a group in metro-Atlanta discussing thought leadeship in HR and here is what I have observed. There are a lot of senior HR executives out of work right now and the value they bring to business is extraordinary. However, out of work means that their views and value to the business is sorely missed and their talents wasted looking for work.

I think that these individuals should put together a consortium and market their expertise in a consultancy role. That being said, they ahve to do the following:
  • You have to do is to determine your leadership point of view—your thoughts about leading and motivating people. Your leadership point of view relates to who you are as an individual. It grows out of who influenced you, what your purpose is, what your values are, and what people can expect from you. This is important because research has shown that the most effective leaders have a clear leadership point of view and they’re willing to share it with others.
  • I suggest that people use all the other forms of information technology available to get their message out—film, radio, blogs, television, newspapers, etc. You can also be so good at what you do that your customers become your sales and marketing team.
  • A good reputation and word-of-mouth advertising is more effective than most marketing campaigns. The bottom line, though, is that you have to get the word out somehow. You can have the greatest, most innovative thoughts in the world, but if nobody hears about them, they’re worth squat.
  • Some people still don’t know that their role as leaders is to serve, not to be served. The truth is, if you want love, you have to give it away. If you want money, you have to give it away. If you want success, you have to give it away.
I hope that the talents these individuals possess gets out into the business world because they have so much to offer and in todays economy every business can use their knowledge. I have tried to do this through my blog and slowly the word is getting out that the most talented HR executives have missed the boat on helping business. 

So, what are your thoughts on this important topic? Email me at .


Anonymous said...

this is right on, more thought leaders should be out there communicating.

Stela James said...

Thnaks for sharing such a nice post.

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