Friday, November 28, 2008

Thoughts on HR Spacial Intelligence

In HR we learn about all the different types of intelligences. However, most people in our profession do not know how to distinguish between them. One of the more important intelligence types is spacial intelligence which gets pushed by the wayside for the following:
  • EQ, IQ, AQ as well as;
  • Linguistic and verbal intelligence
  • Logical intelligence
  • Body/movement intelligence
  • Business intelligence
  • Interpersonal intelligence
  • Intrapersonal intelligence.

Spacial intelligence is how do you put together a picture that the CEO, or senior HR leader paints for the organization. Does your spacial intelligence see the same picture or direction? So if someone said put sales under marketing how would you picture that on a organizational chart, or better yet how would you realign the placement of departments within the organization? Usually, this is left to department heads and the facilities manager but as HR leaders this is one area that you should really be a part of in your organization. So think about spacial intelligence and how you measure against what you hear and how you see it.

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