Friday, May 2, 2014

Business Lessons Are HR Lessons - How Does Yours Stack Up?

There are many business lessons we take with us every day in the competitive landscape. From an HR prospective how many of you really apply them to your daily work life or even more important to your departments operation? 

Here are a few from Sun Tzu's " The Art of War" applied into business:

  1. Fight for foreknowledge,
  2. Be invincible, meaning have a superior team of HR professionals,
  3. Attain strategic superiority,
  4. Build a cohesive team, not a bunch of lone wolves,
  5. Coordinate momentum and timing for projects, benefit, and community launches,
  6. Ensure a solid organizational structure,
  7. Be flexible,
  8. Seek knowledge of the business and competitors constantly, and finally
  9. Develop effective internal communications.
So, you really have to ask yourself, do you have these things in place and does your business also have them in place to maintain their competitive edge? 

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