Saturday, April 21, 2012

Aging CHROs - When to Leave!

Do you remember when you first started in HR? You were amazed at people around you that had already spent 20+ years in HR and were thinking of retiring. You never thought you would ever get to that point in your career yet alone that age. 

As we see the workforce aging and Boomers moving out as the new generations take over we have to stop and think" when should I leave". I am sure everyone has asked that question. Look at some of your heroes, Ali,  Howe, Blanda to name a few. They just never got it. They went long past their time to retire. So you have to ask yourself the question again " when should I leave". 

Here are a couple of key things to consider:

  • do I have a succession plan in place;
  • have I accomplished all that I wanted to 
  • am I getting hints from the leadership team
  • is my relationship with the CEO changing and he/she is asking my #2 more than asking me?
If you can answer yes to most of these then don't pull an Ali, Blanda, or Howe. Leave the company on a high note and with an accomplishment that the entire company feels the impact. 

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