Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Art of the Deal - Not Trump

I thought it would be important to mention the art of the deal when talking about mergers and acquisitions. There is an important part that HR plays that really is not talked up in the media or among executives. That is "the final say in a deal".

If you look at the posts I have made over the years on M&A activities you will see a consistent pattern. That is that the lead HR person really looks at balance sheets, agreements, policy contracts, and the like in a totally different light that say the CEO, the finance team, the legal team. Yes, a different light than the legal team!!!. 

Since we are driven to understand the written relationship between people and the business we have to look at these thing differently. My feeling is that the lead HR acquisition person should lead the due diligence team and not the legal team or finance. Why, they MISS things, yes they MISS things. So the next time you are on a DD team stand up and take the lead, show your stuff, and make the M&A process a success. 

So, are you on board with this or do you see it a different way? Let me know. 

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