Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Goals vs. Objectives and Strategy

First, lets give a quick clarification of definitions. Goals are your general intentions, the big picture aims or you or your company.

Your objectives are the outcomes that represent achievement of that goal. Things you can actually observe. In order to be classified as an objective, you have to measure them. You need a way of defining whether you have or have not completed them successfully.

Strategies are the action plans you’ll execute to reach the objective. Tactics are the pieces and parts of the strategy:
  • GOAL: To increase our company’s footprint through participation in social media.
  • OBJECTIVES: Increase our blog subscribers by 15% in 6 months. Grow our LinkedIn connections by 250 members (a 25% increase) by the end of the year. Establish a Facebook Page with 500 fans within 6 months to 9 months
  • STRATEGIES: Develop a strategy or set of strategies for each one. It is a roadmap for how you will get there.
So that is the set hierarchy. Set these rules in place for 2010 to increase your exposure to the world and build your social media portfolio.

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