Thursday, March 26, 2009

Now Is the Time for Managers to Step Up

If I go back over my 25+ years of HR experience when times are tough managers tend to really find any little thing to ding employees performance. It is natural since at some point as sales decline and profits dwindle that managers are asked to identify poor performers and to make cuts. I found out that managers take the easy way out and my job was to manage them so they had successful people.

Well, it is really the time for managers to mentor, guide, and depart knowledge so their employees will excel during those hard times. So instead of dinging managers should be helping employees and bring out the best in them. Sure there are always those who are slackers and were hired into the wrong job. Find out where those who were hired into the wrong job may fit into the organization and move them there, for those slackers, get them off your books through performance management.

So I ask the readers what kind of manager are you? Do you take the easy way out and just let employees fail or do you guide them to success?

I would like to hear your thoughts, email me at

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