Monday, July 7, 2008

So What Have You Done on Flexible Work Weeks?

Back on June 5th, I posted an article on flexible work weeks and that companies should begin to consider such alternatives for their employees. Well it has been a month since I wrote that article and as of today the latest Challenger Gray & Christmas survey indicates that 57% of US companies are helping their employees with the current gas crisis. In addition, it took the State of Utah to lead the nation in going to a 4X10 work week that will save their State employees hundreds of dollars a month and hopefully not impact the quality of service. In addition 6% of all workers in Portland Oregon use bikes as their main mode of transportation getting to and from work and that is expected to increase by 30% this year.

Well, what have you done lately? If you want to retain your employee base you better consider real quick alternatives to off-set the cost of commuting. As those of you know who live in metropolitan Atlanta, GA traffic is a real "nightmare". So consider the following:

  • flex time from the standard 8-5 or 9-5 work week
  • consider going 4 days a week, 10 hours a day
  • provide bike racks for bikers
  • gas off-sets much like Chrysler has done
  • expand the homeworker network
  • set up satellite offices after you have done a scatter chart to see where people live that makes sense for then to shorten their commute
  • subsidize car pooling if their is no state provision, and make parking available for them as well as an additional benefit
  • van pooling (check with your state)
  • subsidize commuter rail or public transportation (I did this back in the 80's in the Boston area before it was vogue, although for different reasons, it was location, not gas prices)

So, all I can tell you is get on the ball if you haven't already. This is where human resources should be leading the charge and providing ideas to their CEOs and managers.

I would like your opinion on this so please email me at

1 comment:

hrevpexec said...

This post is really driving HR to make valuable business decisions that lead businesses to thrive in this down economy. We have made flex hours and alternative work arrangements a part of our business values to retain workers.