Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Training for Older Workers - INNOVATE NOW !!!!

I have always been one to think about the future and create opportunities though innovation. As my former CEO once said, "Bill can create something out of nothing and make it relevant." I cherish that comment and have tried to continue to liver up to that saying ever since. 

So, that being said, I think about the the future of older workers and more so the concerns about people who have been out of work for more than 1 year.  I thought of a great way for corporations to earn many points in their respective communities by offering these valuable out of work people training. Yes, not training provided by the unemployment offices or state funded programs but by the people who are current in the T&D areas and who are active in the market. 

I know you are going to say where are the corporations that slashed their T&D & HR budgets going to get the funding? Well, think about it for a minute. What better way to market your company locally and nationally than by self-funding workshops and training programs for these really valuable workers. It will help them get current with software, project management, CAD, engineering, MS development, and the like and who knows, they may even be your future employee. 

So, get on the side of progress/innovation and offer training and skills based learning for these workers. Be a leader in your community and blaze a new progressive trail. Open up your on-line training systems for them and  classroom based learning now.  

This is a call to innovate at a real level, the worker you provide these skills based learning to may be your employee tomorrow. You thoughts are appreciated, email me at wgstevens2@gmail.com and let me know what you think!!!

1 comment:

Elliott Broidy said...

For growth within your company on going training should be a consistent plan.