Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I Can Name 7 Habits of Highly Successful and Effective People!!

I was sitting on my deck watching the golfers go by and thought about how effective they were at communicating their shots and what the next shot would be. It reminded me of what I saw in business for those individuals I felt were highly effective managers and employees. So here they are and see if you agree with me:

1. be proactive - being resourceful, innovative and quickly accomplish goals and objectives. This motivates people 
2. Think of the end not just the beginning - they have a clear vision of where they are going and the turns along the way
3. Focus on priorities - successful people eliminate the unimportant 
4. Think win win - setting measurements that satisfy both employee and management 
5. Make sure you understand  and be understood - giving accurate and positive feedback supports enthusiasm and people really reaching to meet their objectives
6. Synergies - making sure you get all the input and understand how differences may lead to solutions and new innovations
7. Stay sharp - making sure you stay energized and focused. Also making sure your staff keeps energized. 

So tell me what you think about these 7 highly effective habits?