Sunday, December 25, 2011

How To Kill A Presentation

I am sure each of you have made presentations that you wish you could do over. I know there are a couple I sure wish I could turn back the clock and redo. Over the years, even though we have all mastered the presentation process we have to be reminded of things not to do. So I have compiled 10 of them for you as a reminder when you do your next executive, group, or company presentation:

  1. don't "wing" it
  2. being fake (not being real in your delivery)
  3. Forget the name of the person who introduces you, taking a stab at him/her or get it wrong in the pronunciation
  4. lean on the podium
  5. contradict the previous speaker
  6. apologize for not being prepared
  7. read every word, slide and not making eye contact with the audience
  8. tell a long story that has no relevance to your presentation
  9. forget your opening sentence, and
  10. show slides that were a repeat from a previous presentation.
I thought I would give you some helpful hints since January is usually a kickoff to the new year. Good luck. If you think I have missed a key point please email me at 

1 comment:

Elliott Broidy said...

Great tips. #1 is definitely my favorite and most common sense!