Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Succession Management

A common misconception is that succession management is a human resources driven exercise with little impact on the company. Well, the opposite is true. For those companies that do not have a pure succession plan it has a damaging effect on the long-term impact on the companies bottom line. So where does your company stand on this very important issue especially in today's high impact, fast moving environment of business activity and mobility of great talent. Here are the guideposts and where do you stand:

Level 0 - no succession plan. 21% of companies fall into this category

Level 1 - Replacement Planning - companies only focus on senior level management and an A list of potentials is created. 15% operate at this level

Level 2 - Traditional Succession Planning - Talent review are conducted and plans are put in place. 52% of companies operate like this today

Level 3 - Integrated Succession Planning - A company targets all critical positions at all levels and it is tied to business strategy. 12% operate like this today

Level 4 - Transparent Talent Mobility - no companies operate at this level today where companies completely understand the capabilities and potential of their human capital where decisions are made naturally based on business need and the company as a whole.

So where are you in this talent slide? Bersin & Associates have dealt deeply into this subject and the full text is in this months issue of Workforce.

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