Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Outsell: In Five Years, Top Media Companies Will Generate 50% or More Revenue Online

Having worked in the media industry for 20 years, I am sure die hard publishing professionals would hope this day would never come. I remember in 1997 thru 1999 I felt this would happen.

I attended a seminar in Florida in 1996 were Michael Bloomberg said that print was dead and that we would be reading from electronic fabric (later to be ebooks). He opened my eyes and from that day forward professed that we need to move all products to electronic.

In 1999-2000 I worked for an tech hothouse in Cambridge and all we did was test various delivery methods on/for the web and built some really cool ecommerce and search technology. There too I mentioned to the CIO that ebooks and electronic would be the new media and he agreed. So with that intro I thought this article had some real relevance. I had the opportunity to work with Chuck Richard in Boston and I want to thank Chuck for telling us all along what he believed then and still today.

Burlingame, Calif.—International Data Group, Thomas Publishing, Alibaba.com, CNET and Hearst Business Media are among the top b-to-b e-media companies, according to a new report by analyst firm Outsell.

The report, “Market Analysis: Leaders in the B2B Print to Electronic Revenue Shift,” ranks b-to-b publishers and information companies based on their success at growing electronic revenue over print revenue.

“Within five years, all the leading companies will draw at minimum 50% of their revenue from electronic sources, and 0% to 25% from print,” Chuck Richard, VP-lead analyst at Outsell, said in a statement.

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